What’s for lunch:
Today: Macaroni and cheese with whole grain dinner roll, tuscan blend veggies and mixed fruit
Tues: Chicken Quesadilla with spanish rice and fruit salad
Wed: Deep dish Pizza with Normandy Blend and cinnamon applesauce
Thurs: Bosco stix with marinara sauce and mixed veggies
Fri: Pretzel bites with cheese sauce and caribbean blend and peaches
OR: Stuffed Green Pepper soup
All lunches come with milk
Seniors - please read your email from Mrs. Baker she sent last week regarding your graduation cap & gowns. You need to stop in and see her ASAP!
Attention all Senior winter sports student-athletes and Band members: Please check your school email for a message from Mr. Sheridan. It includes a Google Form that needs to be filled out with your information for Senior Night recognition. Please take a moment to complete and submit the form as soon as possible. The deadline to submit isTODAY. Please see Mr. Sheridan with any questions.
Tomorrow, Feb. 11th the TLC will be hosting their annual TEDDY BEAR TOSS in conjunction with the Carey High School TLC class. All you have to do is purchase a new teddy bear and bring it to the game to toss onto the floor at halftime! Teddy bears are donated to children in crisis, so it's a great cause and a lot of fun! Teddy Bear Trivia questions will be asked daily to try to earn a FREE teddy bear to toss at the game.
It’s cold outside so support the Sophomore class again this Thursday and Friday by purchasing a cup of hot chocolate at lunch. A plain cup of cocoa will be for sale for just $1 but if you want to put some toppings on it like Marshmallow, whipped cream, and caramel the cost is just $2. Thanks for your support!
Attention Junior High students interested in doing Track this spring, there will be optional conditioning on Monday's & Wednesday’s starting TODAY from 3 to 4:30pm in the upstairs hallway outside of the weight room.
Attention high school students: The sign-up sheet for track this spring is now posted on the bulletin board in the locker room hallway. Please sign-up and check the sheet for important information.
Attention High School Art Club- Your next meeting will be this Thursday, February 13 during HS AA. Please plan to attend. Check Google Classroom for details.
Attention any girl interested in playing softball: Please join the Team app. The QR code to join the app is posted in the Athletic Hallway. There will be a quick softball meeting on Tomorrow, February 11th at 4:45pm in the commons. Any girl that plans to play should be there.
Attention HS boys interested in playing baseball this spring, the baseball meeting with Coach Mendoza has been rescheduled for TONIGHT at 6 PM in the HS Library