Please click on the link below for updated Covid absence and quarantine protocols. Thank you.

This is a reminder that tonight's volleyball game at Sandusky St. Mary's is a varsity only contest. The varsity will begin at 5:30. Thank you! #GoKaders

Introducing: New Assistant Principals & Athletic Director

Welcome Mrs. Ayers, who joins our amazing Preschool team here at Old Fort!

Mrs. Kleinschmidt has previously served our district in the role of paraprofessional while completing her teaching degree. We're thrilled to welcome her this year as an Intervention Specialist in the Elementary!

Mrs. Harmon is a retired Clyde-Green Springs teacher who has subbed for us in the past, but is helping us out full time this year in Fourth Grade. We're fortunate to have her with us! Welcome Mrs. Harmon!

Welcome Miss Calhoun...

Please see the Dental Outreach Program flyer that is attached for spring check-ups. The registration forms are due by 9/14. Thank you.

Welcome Ms. Selhorst..

Thank you for all of your first day pictures this week. We posted 81 photos altogether. Great work, Stockaders! What a wonderful first week it's been! See you again on Monday!

More first day pics...

More smiles... love our littles!

More first day Kindergarten smiles...

First days of Kindergarten are today and tomorrow for a staggered start. How exciting for our little ones!

Still more first day photos rolling in...

Hey Kindergarten Parents...

You can follow Mr. Dick and Mrs. Bryant on Twitter. See below for their Twitter handles.


Any day is a good day to be a Stockader, but especially on the 1st day of school! Check out all of these smiling faces who were happy to be back yesterday!
